Sophisticated investors and multiple similar definitions as accredited, professional, expert, etc.that are set out in the legislation of different countries refer to a high-net-worth individual with relevant knowledge, investment skills, special power, authority, or recognized standards.
By the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) definition, an accredited investor is a person or a business that is allowed to purchase and deal with securities without the need to register with SEC.
Sophisticated investors are subject to Enhanced Due Diligence measures (required to submit documented proof of their investment history and proof of funds supported by the bank statements, tax returns, etc) due to the high-risk status of transactions.
Here at ZeroTolerance, we can assist you with conducting EDD of sophisticated / qualified / accredited investors, analyzing the supporting documents, drafting Policies and Procedures, EDD Controls, implement and tune KYC, watchlist screening and transaction monitoring software. Should you need our assistance or require more information please contact us at